Autism and Neurodevelopmental Diseases Application and Research Center

The aim of the center; Autism is a condition that causes not only central nervous system but also multisystem disorder. Therefore, it should not be considered only as a neurodevelopmental disorder. Autism, which occurs as a result of epigenetic rearrangements that occur especially during the period in the mother's womb, affects many systems at the same time. Autism is the disease most associated with inflammation, which is the basic mechanism of human diseases. Therefore, modulating inflammation, which is the main mechanism in autism, will contribute to the solution of many diseases. The classical clinical approach is still in the direction of symptom relief in autism. Therefore, a permanent treatment is still not possible. Autism is seen in 2% of the society. When conditions such as ADHD, learning disability, and dyslexia are included in the autism spectrum, this rate rises to 15%. The main point where this center will differ from other departments is to try to put the experience we have gained from in-vivo animal studies into clinical use.

The Center carries out the following activities to achieve its purpose:

  • The contribution of the center to the university is to develop a holistic approach to children with autism, to contribute to the literature on the pathophysiological mechanisms of autism, and to train health workers aware of autism.
  • Since autism contains many symptoms, patients may apply to different physicians and may cause confusion that causes diagnostic and therapeutic errors. There is no biochemical, radiological or pathological separator in the diagnosis of autism. The diagnosis is made clinically based on the symptoms. This diagnosis can be delayed up to 3 years of age. Developing an autism diagnostic kit (based on protein and neuronal differentiation), standardizing it and making it available to the public. Thus, by diagnosing autism in prenatal or early infancy, it is to provide more progress in terms of health.